This code snippet will remove the default Divi cropped image size for the gallery images and will use the original aspect ratio instead. I’ve succeeded to change the aspect ratio, however, the aspect ratio is changed but the image used for the GALLERY is the “et-pb-portfolio-image size”, which is, by default, 400x284px. You will also need 12 images added to your media library to be used for the building the image gallery. Last but not least, we all know the Divi Blog Module crops the featured image by default. Order by Learn How To Change the Divi Gallery Slider Height. The image carousel module is perfect for showcasing a set of images, your portfolio pieces, client logos and much more. 3.1 Understand the importance of RATIO (or REPORT) 3.2 Resize images before uploading to WordPress; 4. Choose the right Divi Image size. Image widths for Divi are based on the number of columns being used in the Divi Builder or Theme Builder. A Divi photo gallery can be manually created by placing Divi image modules throughout your page, ... Each of the images has the Open In Lightbox setting toggled on so that a user can click the image to open the full-size image in a popup. Stop Divi Blog Feed Featured Image from Cropping How to Stop Divi Blog Module Featured Image Crop. How to change the size of Divi's images to customize its site? For a Divi gallery module using a grid layout, the size of your images should be around 1500px by 800px if you plan on your images opening up in lightbox display so that it fills the screen nicely on most desktops. The easy way to create a beautiful image carousel using Divi Supreme Image Carousel Module. There was only one problem: for the life of me, I couldn’t find any way to adjust the size of the thumbnails! I”ve written several tutorials here on the blog about how to control image gallery images, but recently I had a client who wanted a gallery slider. Using these default settings, the image widths for Divi images based on the number of columns are shown below; The recommended image size for a 1 column image in Divi … 4.1 - Installing and activating the Simple Media Sizes extension; 4.2 - Changing the size of Divi images Before. How to obtain correct images while keeping the size of Divi's images? I needed to implement image galleries in a few different custom post types for said site. Divi includes an image gallery with grid display in its modules, so I wanted to use it instead of integrating a different gallery to keep site updates as user-friendly as possible. After. However, he hated how the different sized images would move the page up and down and it went from landscape to portrait aspect ratios. A default Divi setup would have a max-width of 1080px and a gutter-width of 3. 3. I followed several tutorials on how to change aspect ratio of the divi gallery images. Choose multiple images from your Media Library here. As the images are added manually the user cannot click through the images like in an image module. Content Options Image Carousel +Add Gallery Images.