Hot Network Questions Here is a picture of my project layout. I'm trying to get started on IntelliJ. Votes. But it is in the MANIFEST.MF in the filesystem. - 'jar, link via manifest and copy' - create separate jar from the module output directory, copy the jar outside main.jar file according to specified relative path, modify Class-Path attribute in 'main.jar' The jar file is empty (has no .class files at all). 0. Edit. Share. I've setup my project, and I'm now trying to create the JAR file. I have also searched my project for other signed jar files. 2. Answered. After unzipping the Jar File, there are two files which are not in my "main" folder. SmashSpotify is the main class. If I was programming in any other language, I'd say, hey well IntelliJ isn't going to be perfect for Scala, or Dart, or whatever. IntelliJ: Maven: Build Artifact to Jar but cant execute jar. I can no longer get Intelli 2018.3.4 to build a jar file. The original classpath is defined in the manifest file as a class-path attribute in classpath.jar . Delete all the contents of the artifact output directory. Technically, this is Clean followed by Build. In eclipse the same. Build the whole artifact as if for the first time. To run Java applications packaged in Java archives (JARs), IntelliJ IDEA provides the JAR Application run configurations. You will be able to preview the full command line if it was shortened using this method, not just the classpath of the temporary classpath.jar . Creating Jar with Intellij IDEA 2017.3 – no main manifest attribute, in .jar 1 5 February 2018 in Java tagged intellij / jar / java / manifest by Tux Recently we tried to create a Jar file from IntelliJ … The manifest file in the created jar contains: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.4.2_12-b03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) which has come from somewhere, where I have no idea. Especially if the language had a dedicated IDEA IDE (PyCharm, RubyMine, etc) But compiling Kotlin? Después de esto Build / Build artifact. Can't execute jar- file: “no main manifest attribute” ... Wrong in IntelliJ IDEA created .jar. Es extraño pues el archivo este generado y se indica la clase donde se encuentra el main. Clean. If you configured an auto-build, then IntelliJ IDEA uses the Problems tool widow for messages. JAR manifest: IntelliJ IDEA will pass a long classpath via a temporary classpath.jar. Project will build in IntelliJ but jar file will not run Follow. A la hora de ejecutar por cmd java -jar **-jar el sistema me responde: No hay ningún atributo de manifiesto principal en **.jar. I unzipped the jar file and looked at the manifest file and it looks ok. 11. intellij build jar artifact containing gradle dependencies. The Jar File outputted is of wrong size (Below 1KB), and should be 40KB+. Run JAR artifacts. For example, if you select Build Project then IntelliJ IDEA will build the whole project before the run. Manifest … Edit the artifact configuration. Now when I use IntelliJ's Build | Build Project, the program compiles AND Gradle creates the JAR file.