Moderne Interpretationen der Artussage geben Morgan oft die Rolle als Artus’ Verführerin und Mutter des bösen, aus dem Geschwisterinzest hervorgegangenen Mordred, obwohl dies ursprünglich (zum Beispiel in Thomas Malorys Le Morte d’Arthur) Morgause war (der Legende folgend, wuchs Mordred abseits von Artus’ Hof, nämlich bei seiner Halbschwester oder andernorts auch Tante Morgause heran, tötete seinen Vater und gab der Artussage damit den Schluss). As Doom begins to lose, a HAMMER soldier calls Osborn, and the Dark Avengers arrive to rescue Doom. So heißt etwa die wahrhaft zauberhafte Geliebte des Zeichentrickhelden Darkwing Duck ebenfalls Morgana. [41] After Dario Agger disarms the gun, Morgan le Fay does a magic attack on him. [30] Morgan le Fay and her forces gained an enemy in Arkon who had stolen from her many times. She can cast illusions, project mystical bolts (which can affect physical beings and objects even when she is in astral form), create mystical force shields and remove spirits from their bodies and place those spirits under her control. [39] After telling Weapon H not to listen to Angel's lies, Morgan le Fay revealed part of her backstory to Weapon H and how she found a way to tame the Skrullduggers until Roxxon invaded, took her captive, destroyed her palace, and caused the Skrullduggers to run wild. Des Weiteren taucht Morgaine in den vier Episoden Excalibur's Vermächtnis (engl. [17] At first, she attempted to kill Doom when he was a child, but then decided to go ahead several decades, so that Doom could fully know why she was going to kill him, choosing after the Skrull invasion and engaged Doom in magical combat. In der Tristan-Erzählung (siehe Tristan und Isolde) brachte sie ein magisches Trinkhorn an König Artus’ Hof, aus dem kein Mann, dessen Frau untreu war oder derartige Gedanken hegte, trinken konnte, ohne etwas zu verschütten. Am Ende hatte sie jedoch ihre Rachlust besänftigt, weil ihre Tochter Roxy sie darum bat. The Inaku then praise Morgan le Fay as the Queen of Weirdworld.[42]. Jahrhunderts wurde die Figur oder auch nur der Name Morgans immer wieder in verschiedenen Ausprägungen eingesetzt. Bei Stephen Lawheads Pendragon-Saga ist sie unter dem Namen Morgian Merlins Tante. Strange. Though she was originally a pupil of Merlin, her thirst for power has turned her to darkness. In Alcina, einer Oper Georg Friedrich Händels, taucht die Figur Morgana als Schwester der mächtigen Zauberin Alcina auf. In New Avengers #53, the Eye of Agamotto appeared to Morgan, as it considered her a possible replacement for Doctor Strange as Sorcerer Supreme. After Weapon H blocked the Skrullduggers from getting in, Morgan le Fay exposes the fact that Angel is actually Black Widow's clone using an Image Inducer claiming that Captain America sent her to spy on Weapon H. Still under Morgan's control, Weapon H who regains control of the Skrullduggers. Morgan le Fay later attacks with a swarm of magically-powered Doombots. Iron Man defeated Le Fay causing her to flee to another realm. Nach dem Misserfolg wirft Morgan Excaliburs schützende Schwertscheide in einen See. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 30. Le Fay agreed on the condition that Doom become the general of her army, undead warriors of those slain by the sword Excalibur against her half-brother King Arthur. Morgan Le Fay is a sorceress from ancient times. [28] Morgan has utilized the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to bind Doctor Strange and Balor. [12] Using the Sword, she remade reality: the world was now a Middle Ages equivalent of itself, except that she ruled the world, and had done so for some time. [37], At the time when they were hiding from Patient Zero's creation Itsy Bitsy, Spider-Man and Deadpool helped the Bogswaggers of Bathsalthia escape from Morgan le Fay's forces. Auch in dem Spiel besitzt sie Zauberkräfte. In Alcina, einer Oper Georg Friedrich Händels, taucht die Figur Morgana als Schwester der mächtigen Zauberin Alcina auf. Trapped there for five centuries, le Fay obtained control over some of the inhabitants, such as the riding monster Balzaroth who could move through the higher astral planes; but she in turn fell in thrall to an unnamed, powerful creature. [24] However, killing Druid worked out against Morgan's plans. Finally, she has abilities as a high priestess of the Earth goddess (Gaea) by invoking her Celtic name, Danu. She also has the faerie ability to manipulate mystical energy, often through spells and enchantments of ancient Celtic origin, an ability she has honed through practice. Her elven heritage granted her immortality, and she used this time to master the mystic arts. Morgan hat zwei Schwestern, Morgause und Elaine, beide Töchter von Igraine und Gorlois. These materials can cause her harm both in her physical and astral form. Am Ende der Serie wird offenbart, dass auch sie mit übernatürlichen Kräften (Voodoo) kooperiert. Finally, in 1478, le Fay failed in his attempt and was exiled to a different dimension. Morgan le Fay possesses a natural affinity for magical forces which is a result of her half-faerie genetic structure. Morgan le Fay is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Her magical powers are derived from three major sources. Sie ist eine Hauptgegnerin von The Demon in DC Comics und ein Gegner der Avengers in Marvel Comics. Durch Magie und tödliche Mittel versucht sie seinen Fall herbeizuführen, am bekanntesten, wenn sie für ihren Liebhaber Accolon das Schwert Excalibur besorgt, damit er Artus in einem Zweikampf damit töte. She asks what she gets in return, to which Doom asks her what she wants, to which her response is currently unknown as Doom reappears in the present with his army of Mindless Ones. She debuted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the third season of Runaways, as the main antagonist, and is portrayed by Elizabeth Hurley. Morgan le Fay is a Marvel Comics supervillain. [volume & issue needed] She is also able to time travel. Le Fay a… In dieser Version der Figur ist sie die Halbfeen-Halbschwester des mythischen Königs Arthur. Andererseits versuchte sie, Lanzelot zu verführen und seine Affäre mit der Königin öffentlich zu machen, beides wohl durch magische Mittel. She has been an opponent of The Avengers, and in the 1970s, she appeared in the original Spider-Woman comic acting as a foe of Jessica Drew, and was opposed by a reincarnation of her "ancient foe" Magnus.