Nach Ausbruch des Coronavirus - ist die Europa-Stadion-Tour 2020 in Gefahr? Rammstein had to cancel their 2020 European tour because of Corona. Further information can be found at 1. I cant see the 2020 tour going ahead . The football could go on into July so all of the German gigs will be cancelled,all of the venues have Bundesliga or Bundesliga 2 teams as tenants. Last month, RAMMSTEIN postponed its 2020 North American stadium tour which was due to kick off on August 20 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and conclude on September 27 in Mexico City, Mexico. Laut lokalen Quellen und Intellektuellen #Rammstein. Il cantante dei Rammstein Till Lindemann ... quotidiano tedesco Bild secondo cui il frontman 57enne ha iniziato ad accusare i primi sintomi al ritorno dal recente tour in ... 27 Marzo 2020. Now the new concert dates are known. Some fans are angry that the tickets cannot be exchanged; Now the metal band announced the new concert dates. As of February 4, 2020, Rammstein's frontman, Till Lindemann, has been on a European tour — without the rest of the band. Update from May 19: Due to the Corona crisis, the metal band Rammstein had to cancel the second part of their European tour. Even if the Corona virus situation clears up soon most of the venues will not be available as the football seasons have to be completed first . il tour di James Blunt, che avrebbe dovuto far tappa in Italia il 18 luglio 2020 al Festival del Vittoriale Tener-a-mente a Gardone Riviera (BS), il 30 settembre a Roma al Palazzo dello Sport, il 2 ottobre a Padova alla Kioene Arena e il 3 ottobre a Milano al Mediolanum … 12062020 Olympia (June 12th 2020): Due to the prohibition of big events at least until October 24th 2020, the event cannot take place on June 12th 2020 in Olympiastadion Berlin. Il tour nei palasport “Testa o Croce tour”, previsto a marzo 2020 e inizialmente rinviato all’autunno 2020, viene posticipato al 2021 secondo il seguente calendario: Rammstein (July 4th & 5th 2020): Europe Stadium Tour …