There's always two Moonlight Dragonlily spawning at the same location in Lith, Earth. Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3. Hotfix: The Silver Grove 4. Your email address will not be published. Update: The Silver Grove… This one is pretty self-explanatory. They're very common and I got 10 in one mission. Apothics are the items used to summon the Silver Grove Specters in Warframe. You'll get 7,000 Nightwave on the spot if you find one and kill it, but that's a lot easier said than done. Players can only complete one scan mission a day, but partying up with other players will allow for their scans to be counted towards your total. Once you have collected any of the Apothics, you can then set on a journey to find the Silver Grove. But this is not about the story, this is about the farm to acquire some special mods. Hotfix: The Silver Grove 2. The plain codex scanner outlines them orange, it helps a lot finding them. As a few of the plants required for ingredients in this quest - namely Sunlight Threshcones, Sunlight Jadeleaves, Moonlight Dragonlilies and Moonlight Jadeleaves - can only appear during particular phases of the Grineer Forest's day and night cycle, it is important to note when each particular cycle takes place in order to minimize the time needed to hunt down the required plants. Clem’s weekly missions can be accessed by speaking to Darvo in any community Relay. Ruk’s Claw (Mars) – Typically on walls in the Grineer Settlement tileset. Scanning a plant automatically puts it in your inventory. Apothics are the items used to summon the Silver Grove Specters in Warframe. Nightwave Weekly Warframe Guide – The Silver Grove, Apothic Plants, Warframe Cross Generation Play Arrives Alongside PS5, Xbox to Come, New ‘Alchemist’ Warframe Finally Revealed – Meet Lavos. Frost leaf can also be found on E Gate; Venus. The Silver Grove is an optional quest introduced in Update: The Silver Grove, which sees the Tenno working with New Loka to uncover an ancient, mysterious power. It is pretty difficult to spot one if theyre lots of enemies in between. Check above for their locations and strategy: -Sunlight Threshcone: Found on Earth, during day-time cycle only. The Silver Grove was introduced to Warframe as a part of Update 19 and with it brought a new story for players to dive into. You can complete the easiest one over and over for a fast clear. Six (6) scans are required for The Silver Grove quest. This is the tough one. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. On 8/19/2016 at 4:12 PM, ScribbleClash said: On 8/19/2016 at 9:26 PM, ScribbleClash said. Plant Locations for Silver Grove! These should be viewed as advice for finding the resources until better facts are proven. This week in Warframe Nightwave challenges brings with it a lot of farming. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Once you have located the Silver Grove, use the Apothic on the stone altar to spawn the Silver Grove Specter. Exterminate and Capture missions are the fastest for cracking Relics. Frostleaf (Venus) – Commonly found on the edge of cliffs and sides of the map. All nodes must be unlocked and completed on a planet to have access to Nightmare missions. You can also accept these missions from a console next to Cephalon Simaris. Earth Bounty Hunter: Complete 5 different Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon. Apothics are the items used to summon the Silver Grove Specters in Warframe. Look for a small tunnel. Scanning a plant automatically puts it in your inventory. Cache Hunter: Find all caches in 3 Sabotage missions. Check back with us next week for more weekly Nightwave tips in Warframe. However, some of the plants are tied to the day/night cycle in Warframe. These plants grow around the green acid pools that can be found on Ceres tilesets. Moonlight Dragonlillies (Earth, nighttime) – Found in the Grineer Forest tileset. No need to worry — these missions are fairly easy! When you are close, the Lotus will mention that The Silver Grove is nearby. Im pretty sure that all the flowers with simaris scanner show red color (similar to the explosive barrels or control modules). These can only be completed once per account, and offer no Standing, but they do count for Nightwave missions. Sabotage caches make a high-pitched ringing noise and are usually found in dead ends throughout each map. This page contains the entire transcript of The Silver Grove quest. Moved the placement of plant waypoints to prevent the plants from spawning underneath decorations. These Apothics are in fact reusable and are required in order to gain all the … Silver Grove Specter. Warframe Ember and Frost Prime Vault Dual Pack — Is It Worth It? Night Terror: Complete 10 Nightmare missions of any type. Vestan Moss, is as you probably guessed, moss. Just… hit those bounties! Once you build your Apothics in the Foundry, equip them on your Gear Wheel. Specifically, it’s time to hunt the Silver Grove Specters (if you haven’t already). So ive been at this for awhile now and i simply cannot figure out what plants do i need to scan and where can i find them. They are often with other decorative plants, inside rooms, and on the lunar soil. Would you care posting the missions you confirmed to have scanned the plants? Lunar Pitcher (Lua) – Found commonly around trees and planters. Here is the ingredient list for all the Apothics and their recommended farming locations: Vestan Moss (Mercury) – Commonly found on rocks, under stairs, and in corners. Increased the spawn chances of Frostleaf. 3; Plant Locations for Silver Grove! Lith rarity Relics also tend to be the easiest. Sunlight Jadeleaf (Earth, daytime) – Usually found in the Grineer Forest tileset in watery areas. If you have collected it all then your dedication needs to be appraised but if you are new and planning for a search, then we would recommend you to go for the Nightfall Apothic as its the easiest one by far. Moonlight Jadeleaf (Earth, nighttime) – Found in the Grineer Forest tileset. The easiest and fastest Apothics to make are the Twilight and Sunrise Apothics (depending on your current day/night cycle). During the Quest “The Silver Grove,” the player was awarded a number of Apothics to use in order to progress the Quest. In order to make Apothics, you need to use the Codex Scanner on plants found throughout different missions. You will need to have completed the quest once to access the necessary Apothic blueprints, too. I found out that the scanner seems very unreliable on Frostleaf. Grove Guardian: Kill 3 Silver Grove Specters. I'll try to quickly run over them again, but most of them were either Exterminate, Spy or Capture missions; let me see if I can find which one I did for Pluto specifically. This page contains the entire transcript of The Silver Grove quest. Just decided I'd post in here what are all the locations for the plants for some people that do not know, keep in mind that they are also all fairly common, I am not sure if they could as spoilers for the quest according to the mods, so if this needs any spoiler tags I can include them. In order to make Apothics, you need to use the Codex Scanner on plants found throughout different missions. Players need to be Master Rank 7 and have completed “The Second Dream” to access the Silver Grove quest. This is the only place the Specters spawn can spawn in Warframe! PC; SPOILERS; Asked by Cephalon-Tetractys, August 19, 2016. I keep hearing Pluto, but I have yet to find a Frostleaf in any Ice Tileset. If you have been playing Warframe for a while, you will remember Silver Grove Specters from the Silver Grove quest. Frostleaf can be found chillin' (pun intended) on ledges and cliffs on the Pluto tileset.