0:09 As you'll see, just one command, called now, deploys your app. Hung Tran Nguyen renamed Deploy to Zeit or Netlify (from Deploy to Now) Hung Tran Nguyen changed description of Deploy to Now. Now is a deployment platform created by a company called Zeit, who also 0:00 built open source tools like Next.js and the HyperTerminal, among others. Node.js 10 LTS Installed 0:13 I recommend signing up for an account at Zeit.co. To deploy with ZEIT Now, a developer-only needs to install the Now CLI, a frequently updated and open-source command-line interface through the npm, the javascript package manager. Zeit Now is a cloud platform for serverless deployment. We are not allowing new users to deploy under Now V1. Hung Tran Nguyen updated the value for the custom field on Deploy to Zeit or Netlify. This is a quick look at how to deploy and query a static API using ZEIT as the deploy and hosting service. To deploy with ZEIT Now , a developer-only needs to install the Now CLI, a frequently updated and open-source command-line interface through the npm, the javascript package manager. In this tutorial, I am assuming you are manually writing each of the API's JSON files — i.e. In this article we are going to learn how to install Now and start deploying with one single command, now. Prerequisites. ZEIT Now is a cloud platform to deploy serverless applications, one of the things I like the most about Now is their DX (Developer Experience), it makes it very pleasant to deploy microservices to the cloud. We will document this shortly. 0:04 With Now, you can instantly deploy your app with minimal configuration. Create account: https://zeit.co/signup Install cli npm i -g now Login (via email link) now login Deploy current directory now --name Deploy specific directory now --name Deploy to production now --name --prod NOTE: First deployment will deploy to production - https://.now.sh List all projects now projects ls Delete project now projects rm … If you need assistance migrating, you can ask in our community or even email support@zeit.co Hung Tran Nguyen updated the value for the custom field on Deploy to Now. The examples here come from the commentary in my introduction on how to build static APIs and from a similar tutorial which uses Netlify instead of ZEIT.. It's an incredibly simple, easy to use platform that allows you to deploy anything from static websites to server/serverless application instantly, scale automatically, all with minimal configuration. We believe the future is serverless, and even without some features, we are encouraging users to move to our new V2 platform when possible.