Wir sind gespannt, was wir von Joyce Ilg in nächster Zeit noch alles hören werden. Die Woche und ich (seit 2015) stellt sie erneut ihr komödiantisches Talent unter Beweis. When she refuses to appear, he has her banished and seeks a new queen. Her story provides a traditional background for Purim, which is celebrated on the date given in the story for when Haman's order was to go into effect, which is the same day that the Jews killed their enemies after the plan was reversed. Inzwischen gehört ihr Kanal Joyce mit 1,2 Mio Abonnenten zu den beliebtesten Kanälen in Deutschland. When Mordecai learns of this, he tells Esther to reveal to the king that she is Jewish and ask that he repeal the order. He also thought that the Hebrew name was to be linked to an Akkadian word meaning 'bride' (ḫadašatu) which happens to be an epithet often attached to the Babylonian goddess. She is also recognized as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox Churches. Biblical Jewish queen of Persia and Medes, This article is about the heroine of the Book of Esther. [citation needed], Contemporary viewers would probably have recognized a similarity between the faint and the motif of the Swoon of the Virgin, which was very common in depictions of the Crucifixion of Jesus. Ihre Fans kennen Joyce Ilg als humorvolle Frohnatur. Bekannt wurde Joyce Ilg mit ihrer Rolle als Saskia Brunner in der deutschen Soap Dahoam is Dahoam. [24], Given the great historical link between Persian and Jewish history, modern day Persian Jews are called "Esther's Children". [i][j][k] Some historians additionally argue that, because the Persian kings did not marry outside of seven Persian noble families, it is unlikely that there was a Jewish queen Esther and that in any case the historical Xerxes's queen was Amestris. While Haman is being led out, Harvona, a civil servant, tells the king that Haman had built a gallows for Mordecai, "who had saved the king's life". Even as she advances to the highest position of the harem, perfumed with myrrh and allocated certain foods and servants, she is under strict instructions from Mordecai, who meets with her each day, to conceal her Jewish origins. In der ersten Zeit kann sie vor Schmerzen nicht schlafen. Im Alter von 10 Jahren stellt der Arzt bei ihr eine Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung fest. The story of Esther is also made reference to in chapter 28 of 1 Meqabyan, a book considered canonical in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. [13] Esther before Ahasuerus by Tintoretto (1546-47, Royal Collection) shows what became one of the most commonly depicted parts of the story. Ihre erste große Serienrolle ergattert Joyce 2007. Seeing that he is in favor with the king and queen, Haman takes counsel from his wife and friends to build a gallows upon which to hang Mordecai; as he is in their good favours, he believes he will be granted his wish to hang Mordecai the very next day. It was a common Jewish practice in antiquity, attested especially in the Book of Daniel (1:7) and I Maccabees (2:2-5), to have not only a Hebrew name but also one redolent of pagan connotations. Esther foils the plan, and wins permission from the king for the Jews to kill their enemies, and they do so. [16][17][l] However, Amestris herself did not descend from these families, and Darius I is also said to have married a woman who did not belong to them. (, "Xerxes could not have wed a Jewess because this was contrary to the practices of Persian monarchs who married only into one of the seven leading Persian families. Zu dieser Zeit bekommt sie das Angebot, den WDR Rockpalast zu moderieren. Fachartikel in: Michaela Bauks, Klaus Koenen (Hgg. On the third day, Esther goes to the courtyard in front of the king's palace, and she is welcomed by the king, who stretches out his sceptre for her to touch, and offers her anything she wants "up to half of the kingdom". All diese Gerüchte bestätigte Joyce jedoch nie. Die lebenslustige Joyce kennt nicht nur die Sonnenseiten des Lebens. Haman casts lots, Purim, using supernatural means, and sees that the thirteenth day of the Month of Adar is a fortuitous day for the genocide. Ein Glücksfall für die Musikliebhaberin: Für diese Sendung darf sie auf Festivals reisen und ihre Lieblingsmusiker interviewen. Immer wieder kommen Gerüchte über ihren Beziehungsstatus auf und die Fangemeinde rätselt über einen Freund. Kayas Woche (seit 2014) wirkt sie regelmäßig als Comedian mit. Und YouTube öffnet ihr schon bald das Tor zur großen Fernseh- und Kinowelt. [26], There are several paintings depicting Esther. Und der Erfolg nimmt kein Ende: Joyce darf kurz darauf in Madrid für Cartoon Network eine Kinder-Quiz-Sendung moderieren. Inzwischen ist davon jedoch nichts mehr zu merken. On the thirteenth day of Adar, the same day that Haman had set for them to be killed, the Jews defend themselves in all parts of the kingdom and rest on the fourteenth day of Adar. Esther invites the king and Haman to a banquet she has prepared for the next day. When Ahasuerus asks who this person is, Esther points to Haman and names him. Ihre erste Comedy-Hauptrolle erhält sie in der wöchentlichen Comedy-Show Blockbustaz (2015). [6][e], Abraham Yahuda conjectured in 1946 that, particularly in light of the Persian setting, the first syllable of 'Esther' (es-) must reflect the Persian word for myrtle, ās (سآ)), and therefore her name was the Persian equivalent of "Hadassah" with both meaning myrtle. [32] Mordecai tells Esther, who tells the king in the name of Mordecai, and he is saved. When Mordecai (who had stationed himself in the street to advise Esther) refuses to bow to him, Haman pays King Ahasuerus 10,000 Silver Talents for the right to exterminate all of the Jews in Ahasuerus' kingdom.