[3], In 1860, the island was expropriated by the newly unified Italian state and turned into a border fortification against the Austrians, who at the time still held the region of Venetia including the eastern shore of Lake Garda. In 1927, the prince died, leaving the island to his daughter, Princess Livia Borghese (1901–1969), who was married to Count Alessandro Cavazza from Bologna (1895–1969). [3] Apparently, they did not hold on to the property because in 1180 it was mentioned again when Emperor Frederick I granted it as a fief to one Biemino of Manerba. Isola del Garda or Isola di Garda or Isola Borghese is the biggest island on Lake Garda. Isola del Gardaはサン・フェリーチェ・デル・ベナーコで1位(16件中)の観光名所です。 サン・フェリーチェ・デル・ベナーコ 旅行ガイド サン・フェリーチェ・デル・ベナーコ ホテル [4] However, after Licheto's death the religious community there went into decline. Isola del Garda is the largest island on Lake Garda. [4] Around 1220, Francis of Assisi travelled through northern Italy. It is by far the largest island on the lake. Already inhabited in the Roman Age, St. Francis of Assisi came here around 1220 according to some documents. She lives on the island with her family (her seven children—four brothers and three sisters—and their families). From 1685 to 1697 it was a convent for novices. After that, only the northern end of Lake Garda around Riva del Garda remained Austrian. E' vietato l'utilizzo del logo e dell'immagine della stessa senza autorizzazione da parte di Fornella S.R.L. Chi sceglie di vedere l'Isola non visita solo una dimora storica, ma viene accolto da una calda atmosfera famigliare che lo porta a essere più un ospite che un visitatore. Whilst the park was designed from the beginning as an English-style garden, the area in front of the house was laid out as a more formal Italian garden. In 1893, the Duke died, but the couple had previously decided to build a new villa on the site of the old Lechi villa. All the soil for the gardens was brought in over time by the inhabitants. Today, it is covered by a park and is dominated by the Venetian neogothic Villa Borghese Cavazza. [6] De Ferrari and his wife, the Russian aristocrat Maria Sergeyevna Annenkova (1837–1924),[7], moved to the island. L’isola del Garda è situata sulla sponda bresciana del lago di Garda nel comune di San Felice del Benaco. The island is around 1.1 km (0.7 mi) long, but only around 70 metres (230 feet) wide at the widest point. [3][8] Their youngest son, Count Camillo Cavazza dei Conti Cavazza married Lady Charlotte Sarah Alexandra Chetwynd-Talbot (born 1938), the eldest daughter of the Earl of Shrewsbury in 1965. The island has a long and varied history, having been used as a Roman burial ground, pirate lair, a site for a Franciscan monastery, border fortification and as a residential villa. The island has been known in turn as Insula Cranie ("Isle of Skulls"), Isola dei Frati ("Isle of Monks"), Isola Scotti, Isola Lechi, Isola de Ferrari and Isola Borghese. The Island is situated on the Brescian side of Lake Garda, a short distance from San Felice del Benaco. Reportedly, after having been abandoned during the period of decline of the Roman Empire, the island served for a long time as a hideout for pirates who preyed on the shipping on Lake Garda. Although it is not certain whether he actually visited the island, the Franciscans did establish a simple hermitage among the caves and rocks of the island at that time, after it was bestowed on them by Biemino. In 1837, Luigi Lechi passed the property on to his brother Teodoro (1778-1866), a former general in the Napoleonic army, who—among other changes—added the terraces at the front of the villa. He ordered major construction and renovation works and the monastery was turned into a villa. The island of Garda, also known as the Borghese island or the island of the Friars, is the largest island of the homonymous lake. The property was then requisitioned by a decree of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798, after the establishment of the Cisalpine Republic. Just over 200 meters from Capo San Fermo, a promontory that divides the Gulf of Salò from the Emerald bay, is about one kilometer long and is … Although privately owned by the Cavazza family, Isola del Garda has been open to visitors since 2001. In 1224, the Bishop of Trent visited the hermitage and three years later so did reportedly Anthony of Padua in 1227. [9][10] The family also owns properties on the nearby peninsula where they run businesses that include boat rental, olive growing,[12] a camping site, an agriturismo[13] and a riding school.[14]. It is part of the comune of San Felice del Benaco, in the Province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy. Since 2002 the island has been open to visitors on guided tours. In 1795, the government of the Republic of Venice decided to suppress the monastery. 200 mt dal promontorio di Capo San Fermo, è lunga all’incirca un chilometro ed è larga in media 600 mt. Today, it is co… Coordinates: 45°35′37″N 10°35′14″E / 45.593641°N 10.587094°E / 45.593641; 10.587094, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, "Isola del Garda: un'oasi a colori (Italian)", "Isola del Garda per la prima volta apre ai turisti (Italian)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Isola_del_Garda&oldid=989372671, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 November 2020, at 16:37. the beautiful Italian and English gardens, you will discover the rich history of this spectacular place that has housed many illustrious names from the Roman age to the present day. La famiglia Cavazza risiede e lavora da sempre sul lago di Garda It is separated from Capo San Fermo by only about 220 meters of open water. It is now mostly covered by a park and formal gardens with a large variety of plants. In 1870, the island was sold at auction and purchased by Baron Scotti. He in turn sold it to Duke Gaetano de Ferrari (1818–1893) from Genoa. The island (or actually islands, since Isola del Garda includes some small outcroppings of rock and most of the park is divided from the house by a narrow channel) was initially just rocks jutting out from the lake. Its government sold the island to private owners in 1800. 弊社サイトの現バージョンは、日本の日本語の利用者を対象としています。 別の国や地域にお住まいの場合は、ドロップダウンメニューから、国または地域別のサイトを選択してください。 詳細, 機械翻訳で日本語を表示できます(内容の参考程度にご利用ください)。 翻訳を表示しますか?, ホテル(Hotel Continental)に直接ツアーを予約し、ホテルのプライベート桟橋からボートに乗りました。船旅は約45分でした。 私たちは英語を話すガイドに会いました。彼は私たちを公園と庭園に覆われ、ベネチアのネオゴシックの「ヴィラボルゲーゼカヴァッツァ」が支配する島の魅力的なツアーに連れて行ってくれました。 この家はかつてフェラーリ公爵家の家でしたが、今では島全体を愛情を込めて変えたボルゲーゼ・カヴァッツァ家の慎重な所有下にあります。 ツアーは、湖を見下ろすテラスでドリンクとニブルで締めくくります。 とても楽しい午後! !, ガルダ島はボルゲーゼ・カヴァッツァ家の家族の家であり、一世紀以上にわたって家族がそれを変えてきました。私たちは現在の所有者の一人に連れて行かれ、彼女がこの素敵な島の歴史と建築に与えた洞察は素晴らしいものでした。強くお勧めします, Isola del Gardaでオンラインで直接予約しました-ウェブサイトとチケットの印刷はとても簡単です! ボートは時間通りで、横断には約30分かかりました。写真撮影の機会を得るためにヴィラの前で直接停止し、次に庭などにアクセスするために桟橋に移動しました。, ツアーガイド、ボルゲーゼ・カヴァッツァ家のgreat孫に出会った。家と庭は愛情を込めて世話されており、私たちが彼らの遺産について話されていたとき、これは非常によくわかります!ツアーは、ドリンク、ニブル、オリーブオイルの試飲とともに2時間続きます!私たちはこの経験を大いに楽しんだので、この旅行を強くお勧めします!, 島と大邸宅はとても美しい。楽しめ。 島へのボートは湖の多くの町から利用できます。イソラデルガルダでのボートツアーを予約できます。 com。そこにもいくつかの歴史を読んでください。 知っておくべきこと: 1あなたがより良い座りを選択できるように、桟橋で早くなるようにしてください 2。バグスプレーと日焼け止めと水を忘れないでください。島にはかなりの量の蚊がいます。 3。全体の旅行は約2です。ドアツードアで5〜3時間, この場所は私たちが庭と家の両方を見たツアーに参加した価値があります!その後、オリーブオイルの試飲と地元のワインを楽しみました。, Chiesa Parrocchiale dei Santi Felice周辺ホテル, Il Castello Scaligero di Torri del Benaco, Santuario della Madonna del Carmine: チケット・ツアー, Chiesa Parrocchiale dei Santi Felice: チケット・ツアー, Castello-ricetto di San Felice del Benaco: チケット・ツアー, Chiesa Di San Giovanni Battista Decollato: チケット・ツアー.