[[Category:]] Statistiques Barre d'accessoires:Mana Date de sortie:TBA Dernier changement:N/A Attribut secondaire:rangetype Style: Difficulté: Graves, Hors-la-loi est un champion dans League of Legends.2 Après 0,8 ' si Terminus a touché un obstacle, la grenade embrase la zone, infligeant des dégâts physiques supplémentaires à toutes les unités ennemies dans la zone. - Graves Malcolm Graves is a renowned mercenary, gambler, and thief—a wanted man in every city and empire he has visited. Non-champion units hit by more than one pellet are knocked back. He will reload over a few seconds immediately after expending all shells or withholding leftover shells for a while. Subsequent casts of Quickdraw and attacks versus non- minions will refresh the duration of True Grit. Enemies caught in the initial impact are dealt magic damage and have their movement speed reduced briefly. Ataki podstawowe Gravesa posiadają wyjątkowe właściwości dzięki posiadanej przez niego strzelbie: . Quickdraw's cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds for every pellet impacting an enemy. Years of imprisonment and torture followed, during which time Graves nursed his hatred for his former partner. Active: Graves dashes to the target location, resetting his basic attack timer and reloading one shell while gaining a stack of True Grit for 4 seconds, stacking up to 8 times. Nachladen: Graves' Schrotflinte fasst bis zu 2 Patronen. Active: Graves fires an explosive shell in the target direction which deals physical damage to all enemies hit while also recoiling in the opposite direction. The canister creates a cloud of smoke for 4 seconds that applies nearsight of outside the area to all enemies within every 0.25 seconds, reducing their sight radius to 250 units relative to the center. Active: Graves fires a smoke canister at the target location that, upon impact, deals magic damage to enemies in the area and slows them by 50% for 0.5 seconds. Older, if not wiser, the pair look to pick up where they left off, seeking to make themselves rich using their unique blend of trickery, heists, and focused violence. ", Graves: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends, https://liquipedia.net/leagueoflegends/index.php?title=Graves&oldid=279096. Raised in the wharf alleys of Bilgewater, Malcolm quickly learned how to fight and how to steal, skills that have served him very well over the years. Only once the pair were over the horizon was the theft discovered, along with Fate’s trademark playing card. Critical strikes spray 6 pellets over a 50% wider cone, with each pellet dealing (40% + 3.2% to 16%) bonus physical damage. Graves fires a smoke canister at the target area creating a cloud of smoke that reduces sight range. This page was last edited on 10 June 2020, at 14:03. A lesser man would surely have broken, but Malcolm Graves endured it all and finally escaped. Wikis. Smuggling himself to the mainland in the bilge of an outgoing cargo ship as a youth, he stole, lied, and gambled his way from place to place. Malcolm Graves is a wanted man in every realm, city, and empire he has visited. Not only did the two empty the vault of its treasures, but they tricked its guards into loading it onto their hijacked cargo ship. True Grit: Graves gains bonus armor. Adventure became as much of a lure as the payoff. Yet, after learning the truth of what had gone down between them and escaping certain death at the hands of Gangplank with his old comrade, Graves put his vengeance aside. Games Movies TV Video. Innate - Buckshot: Pellets collide into the first enemy unit or structure they hit. Podwójna Lufa: Graves do wykonywania ataków podstawowych potrzebuje naboi (bez naboi nie może atakować), otrzymuje on je, gdy przeładowuje swoją strzelbę co 2 sekundy (4 sekundy, gdy nie wystrzeli 1 naboju) lub po użyciu Rozpędu, maksymalnie w magazynku może posiadać 2 naboje. Active: Graves fires a round in the target direction that deals physical damage to all enemies it passes through and leaves behind a powder trail. W Smoke Screen. Graves/LoL/Audio - League of Legends Wiki - Champions, Items, Strategies, and many more! Dashing towards an enemy grants 2 stacks of True Grit. After hitting an enemy champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes to deal 80% of its original damage in a cone. Years later, Graves finally had his showdown with Twisted Fate. Die Nachladezeit wird für jede 1 % zusätzliches Angriffstempo um 0,5 % reduziert, bis zu einem Minimum von 1,56 1,12 (abhängig von der Stufe) Sekunden. But eventually their luck ran out. In Piltover, they hold the distinction of being the only thieves ever to crack the supposedly impenetrable Clockwork Vault. For outdated and now non-canon lore entries, click here. Graves was taken alive and thrown in the infamous prison known as the Locker. Removing or resisting the nearsight will prevent it from being reapplied while staying inside the area (leaving and coming back inside will not). He clawed his way to freedom and began his pursuit of Twisted Fate, the man whose treachery consigned him to a decade of unspeakable misery. During a heist that went wrong, Twisted Fate seemingly betrayed and abandoned his partner. Graves fires an explosive shell that detonates after 2 seconds, or 0.2 seconds if it strikes terrain. The nearsight debuff applies to non-champions but it does not inherently stop them from performing actions that require, The projectile will still explode early if the champion hit by the shell is protected by a.