David Arthur Barenboim, born in Paris in 1982, is now manager-writer for several hip-hop bands. Barenboim związał się z pianistką Eleną Bashkirovą. David Barenboim: Ich finde es toll, wie engagiert er ist und dass er an die Sachen, die er macht, wirklich glaubt. Barenboim ötéves korában kezdett zongorázni tanulni, előbb édesanyjától, majd édesapjától. A self-described Spinozist, he is significantly influenced by Spinoza's life and thought. His teachers there were Abraham Jaffe and Axel Wilczok. The West–Eastern Divan Orchestra is an orchestra based in Seville, Spain, consisting of musicians from countries in the Middle East, of Egyptian, Iranian, Israeli, Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian and Spanish background.. The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra and Daniel Barenboim are at the Proms on 20, 21, 23, 24 and 27 July, televised on either BBC2 or BBC4 and broadcast live on BBC Radio 3. Wkrótce Bashkirova urodziła mu dwoje dzieci: Davida (1982) i Michaela (1985). Barenboim is a polyglot, fluent in Spanish, Hebrew, English, French, Italian, and German. A család 1952-ben Izraelbe költözött. Bashkirova founded the Metropolis Ensemble in Berlin, Germany and Jerusalem International Festival of Chamber Music (also JIFCM's artistic director) in 1998. 1954-ben Salzburgban beíratták Igor Markevitch karmester-iskolájába. The son of Daniel Barenboim and Russian pianist Yelena Bashkirova (and the brother of German hip-hop producer David Barenboim), Michael was born in Paris in 1985. Első nyilvános fellépése hétéves korában, 1950 augusztusában volt, Buenos Airesben. Music career. Daniel Barenboim, KBE (* 15. listopadu 1942, Buenos Aires, Argentina) je proslulý argentinsko-izraelsko-španělský pianista a dirigent.V letech 2011–2014 byl šéfdirigentem operního domu La Scala v Miláně.Od roku 1992 je šéfdirigentem Státní opery Pod lipami (Staatsoper unter den Linden) v Berlíně.Často vystupuje v České republice. Na początku lat 80. Bezskutecznie ukrywał ten fakt przed du Pré. He began playing the piano at age four and switched to the violin when his family moved to Berlin in 1992. His son is the HipHop producer David Barenboim alias KD-Supier. Michael Barenboim , born in Paris in 1985, is a classical violinist. It was founded in 1999 by the conductor Daniel Barenboim and academic Edward Said, and named after an anthology of poems by Goethe. Barenboim i du Pré pozostali formalnie małżeństwem aż do jej śmierci w 1987. Rok później poślubił Bashkirovą.