Eventually, his uncle was prevailed upon to finance a university education, and Heine attended the universities of Bonn, Göttingen, Berlin, and Göttingen again, where he finally took a degree in law with absolutely minimal achievement in 1825. He passed away at the age of 58 in Paris. Over the years, he continued to write several other popular works, such as ‘Die Harzreise’ (The Harz Journey), ‘Reisebilder’ (Pictures of Travel) and ‘Das Buch Le Grand’ (The Book de Grand). Heinrich Heine, in full Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, original name (until 1825) Harry Heine, (born Dec. 13, 1797, Düsseldorf [now in Germany]—died Feb. 17, 1856, Paris, France), German poet whose international literary reputation and influence were established by the Buch der Lieder (1827; The Book of Songs), frequently set to music, though the more sombre poems of his last years are also highly regarded. Zeit, Person, Werk. He was distantly related to Karl Marx, German economist and philosopher, with whom he later corresponded. They were collected in ‘Franösische Zustände’ (French Affairs). As his health started deteriorating, his situation became worse. He also found employment, working as a French correspondent in the newspaper ‘Allgemeine Zeitung’, for which he covered several important events. He published two books criticizing the social condition in Germany as well. Heine attended the lycée in Düsseldorf but ended his schooling without a diploma. Heine was born of Jewish parents. Die Kinder wuchsen gemeinsam in einem, von jüdischer Aufkl… His nervous system became damaged by a venereal disease, and he also became partly blind. … His critical and satirical writings brought him into grave difficulties with the German censorship, and, at the end of 1835, the Federal German Diet tried to enforce a nationwide ban on all his works. He married her in 1841. In 1834, he got acquainted with a young girl named Crescence Eugenie Mirat, with whom he started a relationship. Heine had become acquainted with the young Marx at the end of 1843, and it was at this time that he produced, after a visit to his family in Germany, a long verse satire, Deutschland, Ein Wintermärchen (1844; Germany, a Winter’s Tale), a stinging attack on reactionary conditions in Germany. 13. They were ‘Die Romantische Schule’ (The Romantic School) and ‘Zur Geschicte der Relgion and Philosophie in Deutschland’ (On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany). He completed his higher education in Gottingen, Bonn and Berlin. After a lot of struggle for the inheritance, it was eventually settled by granting his uncle’s family a right of censorship over his writings. His third volume of poems, Romanzero (1851), is full of heartrending laments and bleak glosses on the human condition; many of these poems are now regarded as among his finest. In 1820 he removed to the University of Göttingen. With the financial support of his uncle, Heine entered the University of Bonn in 1819, planning to study law. His second volume of poems, Neue Gedichte (1844; New Poems), illustrates the change. In 1840 Heine wrote a witty but ill-advised book on the late Ludwig Börne (1786–1837), the leader of the German radicals in Paris, in which Heine attempted to defend his own more subtle stand against what he thought of as the shallowness of political activism; but the arrogance and ruthlessness of the book alienated all camps. Heinrich Heine finished his early education at Dusseldorf Lyceum, after which his uncle tried to convince him to become a businessman. He passed away after suffering a lot on 17th February 1856. Conditions there were even less appealing; his inevitable oppo… His work ‘Buch der Lieder’ (The Book of Songs), which was published in 1827, earned popularity worldwide. Thus, he became the major representative of the post-Romantic crisis in Germany, a time overshadowed by the stunning achievements of Goethe, Schiller, and the Romantics but increasingly aware of the inadequacy of this tradition to the new stresses and upheavals of a later age. A Winter’s Tale). At that time, it was very difficult to earn a living as a professional writer. But the second group, “Verschiedene” (“Varia”), is made up of short cycles of sour poems about inconstant relationships with the blithe girls of Paris; the disillusioning tone of the poems was widely misunderstood and held against him. His book ‘Buch der Lieder’ (The Book of Songs) is one of his best and internationally reputed works. Heine earned much popularity in Paris within a short time. Test the long and short of your poetic knowledge in this quiz. Heine und seiner Ehefrau Elisabeth, geb. The worst of his sufferings, however, were caused by his deteriorating health. Though she had no interest in cultural, social or intellectual ideas, she eventually moved in with him and got married. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Another section is called “Zeitgedichte” (“Contemporary Poems”), a group of harsh verses of political satire. The place offered him cultural richness, which he had been unable to find in any city in Germany. Though he studied law, he eventually turned his attention to literature and poetry. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Heine became involved in the German Romantic movement as well. Heinrich Heine wrote several articles about the culture and political situation of the country. However, he was unable to find a permanent well-paying position, and in 1831, he eventually went to Paris, where he stayed for the rest of his life. His father was a handsome and kindly but somewhat ineffectual merchant; his mother was fairly well educated for her time and sharply ambitious for her son. His mother’s name was Peira. Omissions? Even after the July Revolution occurred in 1830 in France, Heinrich Heine continued staying in Germany, unlike many of his liberal and radical friends who decided to move to Paris. Heine was born to Jewish parents in Dusseldorf, Germany. About the time that he met Marx, he also wrote another long poem, Atta Troll. The uncle sent Heine to universities in Bonn, Berlin and Gottingen, where he studied law and earned his degree in 1825. Though his exile was initially voluntary, it was turned into an imposed one. Oktober 1899 in Hamburg), Gustav (geb. Do narrative poems tend to be very short? 1804; † 1879), er wurde später Arzt in Sankt Petersburg. ältester Sohn des jüdischen Textilkaufmanns Samson. Out of the emotional desolation of this experience arose, over a period of years, the poems eventually collected in The Book of Songs. They are bittersweet and self-ironic, displaying at the same time poetic virtuosity and a skepticism about poetic truth; their music is now liquid, now discordant, and the collection as a whole moves in the direction of desentimentalization and a new integration of the poet’s self-regard in the awareness of his artistic genius. Das Buch Le Grand” (1827; “Ideas. His uncle passed away in 1844, disinheriting him. In the fall of 1824, in order to relax from his hated studies in Göttingen, he took a walking tour through the Harz Mountains and wrote a little book about it, fictionalizing his modest adventure and weaving into it elements both of his poetic imagination and of sharp-eyed social comment.