Escape from Tarkov has over 190 quests and some of then require to collect items for certain traders. Prapor- most money reward, best xp. Quest Keys. 3) A visual recap of the history of the progression. Unknown Key - Skier's quest: The Extortionist. To solve your problem here is a guide on the list of all Escape from Tarkov Quest items. If you are playing in a team, collect these items and let others deal with the enemies. Therapist - good money reward, same xp as prapor. Hardest loyalty mission, the keys are 1.7mil~ And you get all the rep back. How the type of or lack of progression system affects risk/reward structure and power gap balance in Escape from Tarkov. This key spawns on a dead scav, in the bushes behind the Welcome truck. It can be complicated to find the Tarkov list of items to keep during the game. Cabin Key (trailer park) - Skier's quest: Golden Swag. Easy asf to do loyalty regain quest. Just buy m67 off peacekeeper it's like 100k. that could strike a balance for everyone . 2) A conflict in the community . This key is a reward for Mechanic's Gunsmith Part 11. It opens the white cabin in front of wallet spawn. In addition, you lose 0.15 rep if you fail and get 0.4 from loyalty regain. system in EFT and a proposal for a system . Table of Contents. The key opens the cabin near offline spawn. 1) Brief history of the progression system in EFT .